

Frasa Non-Idiomatik (Non-Idiomatic Phrase)

Berbeda dari frasa frasa idiomatik yang bentuk dan artinya sudah demikian sehingga cenderung sebagai materi hafalan. maka farsa non idiomatik ini dibentuk berdasarkan kaidah kaidah tertentu dan tak terbatas jumlahnya. Frasa non-idiomatik yang utama adalah :

Frasa Benda (Noun Phrase)
Contoh :

  • This specially equipped plane flies at a height of 30,000 feet and a speed at 500 miles an hour. (=pesawat yang diperlengkapi secara khusus ini)
  • Mother usually use soft skin powder for their babies. (=bedak kulit yang halus)
Frasa Gerundium  (Gerund Phrase)
Contoh :
  • Smoking too much is not good for health. (=merokok terlalu banyak)
  • most children like playing in the rain. (=bermain dalam hujan)
Frasa Particip (Participial Phrase) 
Contoh :
  • Living in a big city, they should work hard and compete with others. (=Karena/bila tinggal di Kota besar,....)
  • Being in the country, they can enjoy watching the grass and trees, and breathing the clean air. (=bila berada di pedesaan,...)
Frasa Verba Predikatif (Predicative Verb Phrase)
Contoh :
  •  Some new schools are being built by the goverment. (=sedang dibangun)
  • The theory that he put forward has been proved  by some experts. (=telah dibuktikan)
Frasa Infinitif (Infinitive Phrase)
Contoh :
  • To write a thesis requires careful preparations. (=menulis tesis)
  • Europeans came in inreasing number to hunt whales. (=untuk berburu ikan paus)

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